Facebook’s Problematic Ad Platform!

Josh Chandler · December 23, 2008 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/605

Facebook’s Advertising Platform continue to be irrelevant and unworthy of Advertiser’s time!

It’s time for the 4 year old company to spruce up its ad platform to remove illicit and unnecessary advertising.

Chris Brogan, social media expert who notably labelled earlier on this month as the “Chuck Norris of Social Media” is asking for Facebook.com advertising platform to “Attempt to be Tasteful”, this comes as Facebook continues to work on the nu-wave advertising platform, on the other hand many such as Seth Goldstein of SocialMedia Networks are saying that Facebook ads suffered because:

“Advertisers distract users; users ignore advertisers; advertisers distract better; users ignore better.”

This is part of the age old problem many advertisers have commonly suffered in the days of banner advertising, where users would suffer ad blindness and as the economic climate begins to mount pressure on advertisers, the use of banner ads are coming to an end according to an article released in November by Adweek.com.

So when largely unrelated advertisements such as this one began arriving at Chris Brogan’s Facebook profile, many commenters to the post he wrote asked what he had be doing on the site to return these results, some saying that the use of the Thumbs Up or Down button makes little or no use to the relevancy of the results on Facebook. Nick O’ Neil of AllFacebook.com even reported back in August 2008 that “Facebook would release advertising solutions they can immediately sell but they should also be investing heavily in improving ad relevance.”.

5 months on and without a shadow of a doubt, things have not improved. The question really stands to be answered “Why Can’t Facebook Make Money”? Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer spoke back in May 2008 hypethically of how “Once you have engaged users, the revenue will follow in that order”, it seems Facebook just can’t match the two pieces of the puzzle together right now, it leads me to thinking that Facebook will need to not only focus on the relevancy, but on the strategic positioning that their advertising will offer companies, I mean what I commend Google for with Adwords is the open arena in which they allow ads to be placed onto, and how this offers the advertisers a whole range of “site targeting” opportunities,

Everyone comments on how with Facebook’s 140 million users, the monetization should become very lucrative but if they want to be creative and distinctive against Myspace, they need to look at the open web and perhaps an advertising solution to accompany Facebook Connect, the companies new open conversational tool.


Originally Published at: https://joshchandlerblog.com/

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